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Let Your Heart Heal

Today I came to have a conversation. A conversation to the heart. These are what we call “Heart Talks”. A heart talk is a conversation where emotions speak louder than words and truth is wrapped in vulnerability. Today’s heart talk will be a dialogue of healing and forgiveness. 

Understanding Healing and Forgiveness: Defining True Progress vs. Avoidance

I’m a huge believer in defining what something is to ensure I know what it is and know what it isn’t. So let’s start out by defining what the words healing and forgiveness mean. Healing is defined as the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Forgiveness is the action or process of letting go of resentment and anger towards someone or something. Now that we know what they mean, we can point out what they aren’t. Oftentimes, we feel like we are healing and have truly forgiven when we haven’t. In reality, we are avoiding the pain, revisiting the hurt, or simply refusing to let it go. 

Intentional Healing and Forgiveness: A Personal Journey of Growth and Self-Reflection

Between this year and last year, I’ve been intentional with my healing and forgiveness process. For some people, the healing process can take 2 weeks, but for me it took over a year. I had to take time to fully let my wounds heal so that I could just have scars that I can look back on and learn from. The forgiveness process was something that actually took the most time for me because I had to forgive myself. There wasn’t someone that necessarily hurt me. I hurt someone else and it took me a while to learn and grow from the experience. In my time of letting my heart heal, I have seen there are a few action steps that helped me get through it. I want to share them with you in hopes that it can help you too. 

Acknowledging Pain: The Essential First Step to Healing and Forgiveness

The first step is acknowledging the pain. Until you name it, you won't claim it, and you will always blame it. Healing and forgiveness starts with acknowledging that you have been hurt instead of suppressing it. You will never be able to heal a wound that you don’t reveal to yourself. 

Granting Yourself Permission to Feel: Embracing Emotions as Part of Healing

Once you acknowledge the pain, the next step is giving yourself permission to feel. In this step you no longer suppress your emotions and don’t feel guilty about being emotional. This is allowing yourself to grieve, be angry, or feel hurt. In other words, “get ya feelings out!” In my time of healing, I cried just about everyday for a few months straight. I look back on it now with gratitude because I was able to let out all the emotions that were built inside me for years. 

Embracing the Non-Linear Journey of Healing and Forgiveness: Progress Amidst Setbacks

The last action step would be for you to understand that healing and forgiveness isn’t linear. There are going to be ups, downs, and setbacks in your journey of healing and forgiveness. It is okay to have down days, they don’t erase the progress you have made. Knowing that healing and forgiveness is a journey and not a destination gives you the ability to turn your pain into purpose. You will begin to regain your power and confidence through letting your heart heal. 


Let Your Heart Heal

Wise Wednesday