Today I want to talk about my experience of letting go and letting God. It’s something that’s...
Love Yourz: A Guide to Singleness & Self Love
Today I came to have a conversation. A conversation with the person that’s wrestling with the idea of being single. A conversation with the person that is longing for unconditional love. A conversation with the person that is frustrated that another year is going by without any Valentine’s Day plans. I’m here to tell you that it is only through singleness & self love where you can experience, true, long lasting, unconditional love.
Embracing Singlehood: A Year of Self-Discovery and Healing
I’ve been single for a little over a year now and it’s honestly been the best thing that has happened to me. The reason I say that is because this year of me being single has been a beautiful journey of self discovery, reflection, and healing. It actually took me quite some time to fully let go of the thought of that relationship because I didn’t experience love until I met her. The problem is that once she and I separated I didn’t feel loved anymore because I didn’t yet know how to love myself.
Rediscovering Identity: Overcoming Darkness Through Self-Love and Healing
I actually went through a deep time of darkness because I felt like I lost my sense of purpose and Identity as a man. For the past 3 years of my life, my identity was being in a relationship with this person, doing photo shoots with this person, and providing for this person. I felt worthless as a man because I no longer had a beautiful woman I was dating and I was no longer taking care of a woman either. In my journey of healing & self discovery, I noticed that there were several things that I needed to do to make sure I was loving myself. I want to share them with you in hopes that it gives you ideas of what you can do to help in your self love journey.
Finding Purpose: Building a Relationship with God After a Breakup
The first thing I needed to do, which was very long overdue, was build a relationship with God. If you are someone that isn’t christian or doesn’t believe in God, I recommend building a relationship with something that you consider is a higher power than you. It wasn’t until I went through my breakup where I started to make God a priority in my life. I started attending church regularly and actively serving in the church. This allowed me to use my gift and talents for God and also experience God’s love, which is a love like no other!
Prioritizing Purpose: Focusing on Mission After a Breakup
Once I developed a relationship with God, it was time that I prioritize my mission and purpose in life. I’ve always been a mission and vision driven person, but it wasn’t until after my breakup where I went all in. I’m at the point in my life where my main priorities are my business, my mission, and my relationship with God. Anything else comes second. In this time, I’ve seen as a man that a relationship with a woman should be the last thing on your mind. Your mission and your purpose should always be at the forefront of your mind. When you understand that your mission is what God sent you here to do, you’ll understand that if you continue to follow it, he will show you the woman who you are meant to be with. That woman is the one he sent to help you complete your mission.
Empowering Independence: The Journey of Dating Yourself for Confidence
The last thing I did I needed to do to help me overcome my fear of being single was to date myself. You may ask, what do you mean by that? Well, Dating yourself is empowering independence. It’s simply doing a lot of things by yourself. Personally, dating myself looks like: I read a lot. I talk to myself. I go out to eat by myself. I workout by myself. Dating yourself is really putting your passions first and not feeling guilty about it in any way. Through dating myself I’ve grown more confident and developed a more attractive aura.
Embracing Self-Discovery: Understanding Purpose and Healing After a Breakup
Now that I’ve gone through the journey of self discovery & self love, I understand that God made it so that I was meant to meet the woman from my last relationship, but I wasn’t meant to be with her. In other words, if I didn’t experience this breakup and fully embrace the healing process, I wouldn’t be the person that God needs me to be in order to fulfill my mission. If you are that person out there listening that is struggling with being single around Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to build a relationship with God, prioritize your purpose in life, and to date yourself. Ain’t no such thing as a love that’s better than Yourz.

Love Yourz: A Guide to Singleness & Self Love
Wise Wednesday