Today I come in front of you with a question. A question that has a tough answer. Did you know...
Let Go & Let God
Today I want to talk about my experience of letting go and letting God. It’s something that’s definitely easier said than done. Because in order to let God, I needed to let go of many things, and I’ve never been a person that’s been good at goodbyes. I needed to let go of my attachment to material things. I needed to let go of my fear and replace it with faith. I needed to just let God. My experience of letting go and letting God taught me 3 impactful lessons and I want to share them with you in hopes that it encourages you to let God be at the head of your life.
Embrace Release: Unlock Devine Blessings by Letting Go of My Own Plans
The first lesson I learned was that the longer it took for me to let go, the longer it took for God to grant me with the blessings he had in store for me. I would find myself frustrated with God when things didn’t go how I planned it, but I was my own enemy. I was the person responsible for getting in the way of my blessings. It wasn’t until I understood this when I realized that things weren’t going well because I was holding on to my plan and not following his.
Embracing Devine Renewal: The Journey of Letting Go & Letting God Transform My Life
The second lesson I learned was that when I let go and let God, I entered the transformation process. The transformation from the old me to the person God wants me to be. One of the toughest things to let go was the old version of myself. I needed to let go of decades of habits. Decades of opinions. I needed to let go of the Wisdom who didn’t live a life led by God. The work I needed to put in to make the change happen was tough but made me a much better person in the long run. God needed to break me down in order to build me back up.
Embracing Surrendering to Faith: Transforming Overwhelm into Peace by Letting God Take Control
The final lesson I learned is the most powerful. When I let go and let God completely I began to live life on a different frequency. I say completely because saying let go and let god is one thing but actually believing it is another. The final lesson is what put my faith in God to the test. A test that asked me, do you have faith God will rebuild and restore all you lost this year? A test that asked me, Wisdom, do you have faith to let God take full control and solve all your problems? Man this year I went through a season where I felt so overwhelmed. I felt like there was so much on my plate. I was behind on my bills, I was hustling to make sure I had money for gas, utilities, food, all while still trying to keep building the business. The problem here is that I was trying to solve everything on my own. I put all the pressure on myself when that isn’t my job. It’s God’s. It wasn’t until I started believing that God will make it happen that he made it happen. I remember the exact moment when I fully surrendered. I was sitting in my three seasons room in my house and I said to God “I feel like I’m ready and I learned my lessons. I’m ready to move on to the next step” and I felt a deep calmness and actually felt like something left my body.
Because I let God, I can let Go of my fear and replace it with faith. Because I let God, I can let Go of bad habits to become the best version of myself. Because I let God, I see God as the main provider and now see money as a servant rather than a master.
Hopefully my lessons from my experience of letting go encourage you to let God and give you some strength to start fighting back at life!

Let Go & Let God
Wise Wednesday