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Know Your Why

Today, I come in front of you today with a question, Do you know the power of knowing your why? Some may ask, what is your why? Well, your why is your purpose in life, Your why is what should get you out of bed everyday, and your why is what keeps you going once trials and tribulations show up in your life. That’s what I’m here to talk about today, the power of knowing your why. 

Awakening Purpose: How a Simple Question Transformed My Life From Autopilot to Intentional Living 

It wasn’t until I noticed how I was living my life on autopilot when I began to take discovering my why in life seriously. I remember when I was working at my first corporate job. I was put in a program called the Rise Program. This program was for newer employees that were producing at a high level and showcased leadership capability. The Rise program was intended to help you discover the best version of yourself through training sessions, workshops, and constant self reflection. In one of the workshop sessions, the leader asked a simple question. What gets you out of bed everyday? It was a gut check moment for me because at the time I didn't have an answer. They say how you do anything is how you do everything. With me not knowing why I got out of bed everyday, I never got out of bed with the intention that I am going to conquer the day! 

Racing the Clock: The Daily Grind of Commuting Without Clarity 

For the first two years of my corporate job, I commuted from my dad’s house until I saved enough money to buy the house I am living in now. It’s about an hour and a half drive and the expectation for employees was for us to be at our desks ready to go for the day before 8AM. Because I was getting out of bed with no purpose, I would wake up and get ready with just enough time for me to walk into the office doors with a few minutes to spare before 8. Toothpaste all over my shirt because I am rushing out the door. How can I make sure I am prepped and ready for the day if I only give myself 2 minutes? 

Unveiling Purpose Through  Service, Impact and Influence 

I had to take ownership of my life and some changes needed to be made, so I took some time to really think long and hard about what my why in life is. I started by asking myself what it is that I love to do. The answer to that is serving others. Acts of service is my primary love language. I love to make sure the people around me are taken care of and that they feel that when they are in my presence there is no need to worry, Wisdom’s got me covered. I felt pretty good about serving others being apart of my purpose, but I felt in my heart that there was more. So then I asked myself, what am I good at? Impact was the first word that came to mind. Impact can be defined as the ability to have a strong effect on someone or something. In other words, I am good at leaving my mark. Whether it’s on people, places, or things, there is a noticeable difference from when we first made contact to where things are at now. And in order for a person to have impact, they need to have influence. I like Myron Golden's definition of influence which is that a person of influence is a person that everyone says yes to no matter the opportunity. With the three words of serve, impact, and influence written down, it was time to bring it all together. At the age of 23, I discovered that my why in life is to serve, impact, and influence the lives of those around me. 

Unlocking Purpose: How Understanding “Your Why” Fuels Vision & Personal Transformation 

Once I discovered my why, I got to see the power of knowing it. There is so much power in knowing your why. Here’s how knowing my why empowered me. By knowing my why it empowered me to develop a sense of direction in life. The direction I am talking about is vision. God will not give vision to where there is no why. If you can grasp what I am going to say next, you are going to change your life. The person that you see on this video talking to you right now is a different person than who I see in the mirror. I saw this person years ago. When I look in the mirror today, I see the business mogul, I see the multi-millionaire, I see the person that had so much impact and influence that he left his mark on the world. That’s the power of knowing your why. 

If you’re that person who feels like you are going through the motions of life and struggling to find meaning. I challenge you to take some time to reflect on the reason why God put you here. Everyone on Earth has a purpose that only they can fulfill. God made it so that you were born with a unique gift that is within you. The important thing to know is that once you find your gift from God, it was designed for you to give it away. 


Thank you for listening to the Know Your Why Speech. I hope this give you the strength to get you through the rest of the week and the strength to start fighting back at life. Love you guys, see you next week




Know Your Why

Wise Wednesday