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Sometimes It’s Wait

Today I came to have a conversation. A conversation with that person who feels like God has not been answering their prayers.

Embracing Patience: Trusting in God's Timing and Wisdom in Answered Prayers

I’m here to tell you something you probably don’t want to hear, but I only know how to keep it real. God answers all prayers. We often think that the answer is either going to be a yes or a no, but sometimes it's wait. The thing we must understand is that because of our impatience we often have a hard time knowing the difference between no and wait. I’m speaking from experience. Let’s just say I’m the type of person that likes to have everything I pray for instantly, but that’s not the right mindset to have because as soon as we are not receiving instant gratification, we could start to blame God. We serve such a process oriented God that the whole time that we feel like our prayers are going unanswered, his plan for us is so much greater than what we can imagine. 

It wasn’t until I started to surrender to God’s plan for my life that I began to see all the work he was doing on me in my time of waiting for the blessings he had in store for me. I want to share a real life example with you all to show you how beautiful God’s timing is. 

Lessons in Humility: Overcoming Entitlement and Materialism on the Path to Personal Growth

Last year I talked a lot about the storm that God put me through. A storm that was crafted by God to teach me lessons and give me perspective on how to be a better business owner, a better partner, and a better overall person. When I left my corporate job, I had goals of making a minimum of 20k a month. I felt so strongly about my ability to naturally succeed that 20k a month would be a piece of cake. But at that time, I had a lot of entitlement. I idolized myself, I had a deep attachment to material things, and I didn’t know how to manage the resources that I had. 

From Prosperity to Humility: A Journey of Financial Hardship and Spiritual Growth

Ultimately before I could get too big of a head for myself, God made sure my well ran dry. I’m talking about dirt broke. College kid broke. I felt so ashamed of myself. I went from making 6 figures a year to trying to figure out if I should pay my WiFi bill or get my dog some food. But the beautiful thing about this whole experience is that God put me through this to prepare me for the blessings I am receiving today. Because of my time waiting for my prayers to be answered, I learned how to tightly manage my resources. I learned how to only focus on what is the highest priority. I learned how to be humble. 

These lessons that I learned  are helping sustain the blessings that God has been giving me in abundance. Now I am at the point where I see why God made me wait. If he wouldn’t have made me wait, I would have not been able to sustain it. I wouldn’t have lost it all and lost my opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. 

Understanding 'Wait' as an Answer to Your Prayers

If you’re that person out there that feels like your prayers are going unanswered, I challenge you to pause, reflect, and see if there’s a chance that the answer from God could be for you to wait. Don’t get in the way of your blessings because you misunderstood God’s answer to your prayer, because sometimes the answer is wait.

Sometimes It’s Wait

Sometimes It’s Wait

Wise Wednesday